ANE Annual Insurance Conference 2023

Patra sponsored the ANE Annual Insurance Conference, on April 19-20, 2023, in Princeton, NJ.

ANE Annual Insurance Conference 2023 Details

Location Details:

The Westin Princeton, Forrestal Village
201 Village Blvd
Princeton, NJ 08540
Phone: (609) 452-7900
Go to This Venue's Website

Event Schedule:

Event Start: April 19, 2023
Event Completion: April 20, 2023
Go to Event Website

As a trusted Agency Network Exchange (ANE) partner, Patra sponsored the ANE Annual Insurance Conference, on April 19-20, 2023, in Princeton, NJ. ANE’s Renaissance Mid-Atlantic agents and staff came together to share industry insights, hear from engaging speakers, and network with key agency leaders. The 2023 conference focused on technology and taking a closer look at using data analytics & relationships to grow and scale agencies.

Patra and ANE have partnered to bring you the very best in insurance solutions to increase operational efficiencies, so you can spend more time growing your business, building customer relationships and less time on administrative tasks. Patra’s tech-enabled insurance services power the full scope of insurance business needs, from personal and commercial lines to employee benefits. With services covering eligibility management, software management, auditing, billing reconciliation and data entry, Patra and our team of global experts allow retail brokers to accelerate customer acquisition and retention with enhanced profitability.

Patra is committed to helping ANE member agencies grow, compete, prosper, and adapt in a rapidly changing market. Click below to learn more about the Patra and ANE partnership and to schedule a meeting with one of our experts.

About Patra

Patra is a leading provider of technology-enabled insurance outsourcing services and AI-powered software solutions. Patra powers insurance processes by optimizing the application of people and technology, supporting insurance organizations as they sell, deliver, and manage policies and customers through our PatraOne platform. Patra’s global team of over 6,500 process executives in geopolitically stable and democratic countries that protect data allows agencies, MGAs, wholesalers, and carriers to capture the Patra Advantage – profitable growth and organizational value.