Maintaining complete and accurate data in an insurance organization’s systems is critically important, but with so much information pouring in, it can be difficult to avoid building up a backlog of data that needs to be updated and cleansed. At Patra, we provide data entry, cleanup, and migration services to help you complete all kinds of operational tasks easier, faster, and more accurately. Patra’s process executives will enter, spot check, and review all data to ensure accuracy. The work performed by Patra is protected by Patra’s errors and omissions coverage. We’re also flexible, able to complete this work on any agency, wholesaler, MGA, or carrier system in as little as five days, allowing you and your team to get ahead and stay ahead. Your journey into the future of insurance starts now. (upbeat music)
Video: Data Entry
Maintaining complete and accurate data in an insurance organization’s systems is critically important. At Patra, we provide data entry, clean up, and migration services to help you complete all kinds of operational tasks easier, faster, and more accurately.